On Wednesday we had a very pleasant visit from our Sarita and the Little Sadie the youngest member of Meade Design Group. Sarita surprised us with a bag full of treats.
Sarita, Little Sadie and Echito
The packages were moving by themselves so we were wondering what they could be…
Echito could not wait to open her package she was tugging the ribbon right away…
Surprise! Designer Poppet “Echito Pepito” was inside!
Iván, as always, was the patient one (lol) posing for a picture with his package…
Iván holding one of the packages
And here are all the fierce creatures sitting in a row in their new digs. Sarita used the studio fabrics to give life to her creations for the studio. (So they will coordinate –lol)
Mies, Nilly, Willy, Echito Pepito
They even have little personalities…
MIES likes CMYK and dislikes Times New Roman Font
WILLY likes piña coladas and dislikes paper jams
NILLY likes little cakes and dislikes diets
ECHITO PEPITO likes puuuuuuumpkins and dislikes 70’s shake carpet
Willy and Mies where having so much fun creating mischeif at the studio that they decided to stay. Echito Pepito wanted to go shopping so she went with Echito to Lululemon. Meanwhile, Nilly was craving some little cakes and went home with Ivan and ate a nice marzipan cake for dinner. (After all, they both dislike diets and love love naps!)
Awwwwwwwwwwww! Ivancito having nappies with Nilly
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