This morning I received a press release from ALL THE BEST about a great contest which is going to be lots of fun. I just had to share it with my readers. Usually people complain in Vancouver Island, British Columbia that we don’t have opportunities to showcase our work internationally. Well, here is a great opportunity to appear in one of the most successful blogs in the blogosphere.
I already have a couple of rooms in mind that I am going to submit to participate in the contest. Please read the details below for your chance to win a very luxurious prize.
ALL THE BEST BLOG and SFERRA are hosting a ‘Best Bedroom Decorating Contest’ on
Judges include: Ronda Carman, Michael Devine, Amanda Nesbit, Vicente Wolf, Todd Romano, Amanda Nesbit, Kelly Wreastler & Nathan Turner.
The grand prize winner will receive a complete set of Celeste Sheets by SFERRA, spun from the finest Egyptian cotton ($550 value). The second place winner will receive a pure cashmere Dorsey Throw by SFERRA ($400 value). The third place winner will receive a Marquetry Throw by Kelly Wearstler for SFERRA ($255 value).
First, Second and Third place winners, as well as three honourable mentions, will be published on ALL THE BEST BLOG.
Log on to every week to
see a selection of entries and check out the competition. You can read all the rules at
Both interior designers and design enthusiasts have an opportunity to enter the ALL THE BEST BLOG 'Best Bedroom Contest'.
Submit clear, unpublished photographs (up to a maximum of five photos) of one bedroom designed by you to ( It can be your own personal bedroom or a bedroom designed by you for a client, just as long as it is your OWN work.
Photograph every angle of the room, including close-ups of the bed and special details.
Images should be no larger than 1MB and in jpg format. Provide your full name and address.
Contest entry period begins on August 21, 2009, and ends at 11:59 p.m., E.T. on September 25, 2009. Winners will be announced on October 5, 2009.
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