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Friday, November 21, 2008

Humour Everywhere

In this time of economical uncertanty I have noticed that a sense of humour is constantly appearing as a common topic amongst the new wave of designers. A tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusment in each of the pieces that they create.

According to Wikipedia Humour occurs when:

+ An alternative (or surprising) shift in perception or answer is given that still shows relevance and can explain a situation.

+ Sudden relief occurs from a tense situation. "Humourific" as formerly applied in comedy referred to the interpretation of the sublime and the ridiculous, a relation also known as bathos. In this context, humour is often a subjective experience as it depends on a special mood or perspective from its audience to be effective.

+ Two ideas or things are juxtaposed that are very distant in meaning emotionally or conceptually, that is, having a significant incongruity.

+ We laugh at something that points out another's errors, lack of intelligence, or unfortunate circumstances; granting a sense of superiority.

These are some pieces that will help you keep positive in difficult situations. An accent piece such as one of these are sure to inject a little fun into anyone's home.

Tokujin Yoshioka Bouquet Chairs

Trent Jansen
Pregnant Chair

Farm Project
Studio Job

Two Timer
Industrial Facility - Established & Sons

Outraged Identity
Barnaba Fornasetti

Trophy Hanger
Phil Cuttance

Fashion Architecture Taste
Bust of Hercules cast in foam rubber

Patricia Urquiola
Tea Set

David Pompa
Surreal Minimalism

Maxim Velcovsky
Ornament & Crime

Bust of Lenin with Delft

Maxim Velcovsky
Plate Colection
Ceramics at Mint

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