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Sunday, September 7, 2008

From Trailer Trash to Trailer Fab

This might be stretching "hospitality" design a little bit, but a new design concept just released at the Caravan Fair in Dusseldorf (still going on) is Mehrzeller's new customizable caravan.

I've always been fascinated with motorhomes and trailers and the ergonomics of fitting so much into so little space. I grew up travelling with my teacher parents in the summers in our motorhomes, so perhaps that is my special bond. It's hard to find really nice ones these days. There have been fabulous Airstream makeovers that I have seen, but nothing new and contemporary like this one.

Only a prototype at this point, it will most likely move forward into production since it already has the backing of 3M and BMW. I'm sure there would be a lot of adjustments, but a good idea to begin with.

It just shows proof that if you look at anything from a different point of view and think how it can be designed better. I just wonder why there aren't more windows? And would this really be out of context in a campground in the woods, or more at home in the parking lot of Neiman Marcus?

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