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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

In the last few years, my childhood memories  of chocolate eggs has become more prominent.  I have not celebrate Easter in my home town for many many years, but I always said that I have never seen such a beautiful chocolate eggs than the ones are made in my home town of San Luis Potosí, México.   


Of course when I was a child I didn’t care about the looks , I just wanted to eat them.  I remember biting the sugar flowers one by one and eating the tiny anis candy caramels inside them.  My grandfather used to say slowly because you are not in a hurry…


Huevo-3 Costanzo Chocolate Egg # 4


Today I woke up  thinking in these chocolate eggs and I was lucky enough to find the website of the 80 year old chocolate company that made these wonderful creations – Costanzo. I was really happy to see that they are still making these chocolate creations with the same care and tradition as when I was younger. 


These company is all about tradition, their slogan is still the same even if it is a bit odd by today’s standards… “Más Dulces que los Dulces Besos de la Novia” which it means “Sweeter than the Sweetest Girlfriend Kisses”.  I always get a kick out of this phrase.


Huevo-1 Costanzo Chocolate Egg # 3





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