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Monday, September 21, 2009

Chinoiserie – A Trend with Staying Power

Chinoiserie, a French term, signifying “Chinese-esque”, refers to a recurring theme in European artistic styles since the seventeenth century, which reflect Chinese artistic influences of an imagery of an imaginary China, by asymmetry in format and whimsical contrast of scale, and by the attempts to imitate Chinese porcelain and the use of lacquer-like materials and decoration. - Wikipedia.

Chinoiserie acts as a traditional and sophisticated dress for these oriental antiques. It adds an instant air of elegance and personality to an otherwise simple piece. Authentic calligraphic art pieces with their own soul. Used by European Monarchs in their palaces during the baroque and rococo styles (17th century) this decorative theme is coming back with a new twist and new shapes that have reinvented a classic for today’s decor trend.

I have always been a fan of Chinoiserie. It always adds a sense of patina and authenticity to any space. It reads well with modern styles and with traditional styles. Its revival is more apparent every day.

Chinoiserie 001

Meade Design Group Studio

In our studio we included some furniture pieces with Chinoiserie elements to upscale our space. The first piece is a Tea Table with claw and ball foot (circa 1800) paired with an antique chair of the period upholstered in David Hicks Mint motif and Barbara Barry Bee Line Fabric window treatments. This is a great example of how good Chinoiserie looks paired with geometric shapes.

Chinoiserie 003 Meade Design Group Studio

This piece is an antique cabinet that we paired with a modern Dogale glass bowl and some Fornasetti plates. Chinoiserie also reads well with Surrealistic motifs.

image Dining Room Design by Amie de Toro

I really like the juxtaposition of the exquisite Chinoiserie hand painted wallpaper against the modern light fixture from Modernica and the traditional dining set with a kelly green geometric pattern by Duralee.

image Coco Chanel’s Apartment

These screens at Coco Chanel’s apartment at 31 Rue Cambon Apartment complement the scale of the room and and bring a refined sense of sophistication to the living room entrance.

image Jasper Conran Chinoiserie – Bone China

Jasper Conran Chinoiserie Green and White Fine Bone China features an exotic design of graceful birds and delicate flora and fauna. Classically inspired yet modern in appeal.

image Paradise Background by Quadrille

This Fabric represents a modern approach that the industry is bringing to the Chinoiserie. A cool interpretation of a Toile du Jouy in silhouette.

image De Gournay Wallpaper

Chinoiserie don’t need to be boring or formal – Here is another great example of De Gournay Wallpaper where a bright yellow will cheer you up on the gloomiest of days.

Tell us your thoughts about this ongoing trend.

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