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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Examining the Value of a Solid Graphic Identity and Marketing Strategy During a Recession

There is such a difference between cost and value that people are not always willing to acknowledge during trying economic times. I think this is a perfect time to examine the value of a solid graphic identity and marketing strategy with my readers. Not only as promotion for my own business - I would prefer it if this post can be a resource to help businesses in difficult times - but as a quick lesson that shows the general public the significance of what a graphic designer can do for their business.


image Graphic Identity for Meade Design Group


It is very common for businesses to reduce their marketing and graphic work to cut costs and overhead when income is not being produced as steadily. However this can greatly affect your business in negative ways; your graphic image is how others recognize you and look at you in a professional manner. If your image begins to slip, others may view this as a weakness in the company's professionalism and that you may not be as productive or resilient as you once were.



Logo_DesignDistrict Graphic Identity for The Design District



Furthermore, while other businesses around you are cutting these costs this is the perfect time to make your business stand out from the crowd and to elevate your image and professional package above the competition. It is important for your customers to know that they can trust in you and your business in the years to come, remember: it's not always just getting the clients attention with your graphic image, it's keeping their attention, trust and interest.


Advert_Luxe Advert for Luxe Interiors

Designed by Meade Design Group 


This is also the perfect time to approach a designer or public relations representative as many of them are being cut from your competitor's budgets. They may have special rates or packages available while trying to gain a larger client base, this is the case particularly for return clients.



imageGraphic Identity for Sprouts

 Designed by Meade Design Group 


Logo_Queenswood Graphic Identity for Queenswood

 Designed by Meade Design Group 


In situations like these it is also those companies that expand and try things that are outside of the box that will succeed; your graphic designer or marketing team may be able to come up with unique ways to help possible clientele find you. Often times there are various inexpensive advertising methods that are grossly overlooked although proven very successful for those who are willing to try. They may also be able to help you brainstorm limited time offer packaged services that may get you clients that never thought they could afford you. These clients will be very excited to have their opportunity and will most likely return once this offer is gone.


Graphic works 062Labels and Ribbon for Finn & Izzy

Designed by Meade Design Group


Finn-and-Izzy Ad for Finn & Izzy

Designed by Meade Design Group


This is also a very important time to make sure your website is current, accurate and easy to navigate. Technology is always on the rise and you may be surprised to find out how much business is now generated over the world-wide-web.


BusCard_TafeBusiness Card Design for Tafe Measure

Designed by Meade Design Group


If you are a retailer you may want to consider upgrading your website to accommodate online purchases (e-commerce). Your customers are busier than ever and often turn to the internet to save gas, time and money - help them find you with a website that is easily found by search engines and makes it easy to shop from the comfort of their own home. This is also helpful to you - business is much more cost-effective when done on-line; there is no staff to pay but you can remain open for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and are available to possible customers around the globe rather than being restrained to your own town.


RWSS 2 005 Running with Scissors Promotional Items

Designed by Meade Design Group


image Running with Scissors E-Commerce Site

Designed by Meade Design Group


SnipImage Website for Kimberly Williams

Designed by Meade Design Group


image Website for Eva Campbell

Designed by Meade Design Group


If you are a service based company, ask your web developer to check on the efficiency of your website: how well the search engines find you, how many people come to your site versus how many contact you from it and what pages they visit. This is very valuable information as to what is working for you and your business. Also be sure to maintain a current portfolio and if possible, change your welcome page often to keep visitors coming back to see what is new and exciting with your business.


Stationery_KWI Letterhead design for Kimberly Williams

Designed by Meade Design Group


All in all, please be sure never to underestimate value over cost, if you invest and trust in a solid graphic identity and marketing strategy you are sure to reap an abundance of rewards.



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