2 Years Old
At this age, child more interested with bright colors, striking, and glorious colors. Choose blue, red or yellow colors than pastel. Search interesting pattern of curtain and sheet with bright colors. Avoid lamp that has too bright lighting, because it can dazzle the baby eyes. Don’t patch sticker inside the baby bed, because sticker adhesive usually has toxin, the tip of sticker can be pulled and the baby maybe will put in the baby’s mouth.

2-4 Years Old
At this ages, baby or child really active, so room arrangement has to consider about safety of “traffic” movement of the baby or child. Make sure that there are no disorganized wires and opened electrical plug-ins. The bed should be short, or install safety equipment to make sure your baby or child does not fall down. Stick the posters of interest, such as images of various kinds of animals or large alphabet flashy. The window must have a trellis or lattice to anticipate the child to climb out the window. All furniture should have a rounded tip. Try also to pull the drawer (knob) does not stand out.
At this school ages, your child should be participate to arrange his/her room, because at this ages, child able to express wishes. Choose arrangement interior child room design based on child’s favorite action figures. Desk and table lamps are also required, in addition to bed and wardrobe. Avoid putting a computer or television in the child’s room, because you can not always control what kids watch or what is accessed on the computer. Familiarize children watch television and play computer in the living room. Make your closet or drawers under the bed for storing knick-knacks or books so that the room always looks tidy.
One thing that also has to consider is room cleanliness. Make sure there is good ventilation, so the room was not stuffy and always get a light and fresh air.